• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

my tiddies went from C to B, i think they were also D at my highest weight... why do they have to go first and not my stomache fat 😔😔😔 rip tiddies i don't mind the size though i only really have to lose my belly weight the rest is fine like my legs are just thick and can carry me for hours
I feel you on this. Life be rude like that though, right? It’s so unjust. 😔
Every time I ride in a car now I’m literally terrified. I just got home from watching Wonka, and on the ride home I could feel my anxiety getting worse and worse. I really need to get over it but after my wreck it’s so hard to even trust other people in their cars. Anything could happen and I might not be able to react in time. Driving is scary.
love when I'm clearly trying to relax and ease my tension, and my dad's stupid oblivious *** just comes in here to try to show me something for 10 min straight that I clearly showed no interest in seeing. I wish I could just leave now to go to Ontario. I'll actually be able to be alone and enjoy myself for once.
  • The ibs be ibsing today and I'm in pain
  • So much work gossip in the first week back can't handle !!
  • On a more serious note, there's quite a few people I know or work with who have been diagnosed with cancer. Including one of my favourite ex workmates...and its really terrible. She's not going to make it...maybe has 1-2 years left. And I really have no words for it
  • There was a fatality in our company last week...awful awful stuff. It makes me worry about our young fellas out there
I'm so sick and tired of the gaming community (especially influencers) dictating to the rest of the community what they should and shouldn't be playing. I find the whole "please don't play this game" mantra so condescending. Just let everyone play what they want to play, and if you don't like a particularly game thats currently popular just carry on doing your own thing. There's no need to try and educate everyone just so you can reassure yourself that you have good morals etc.
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I have only blocked ONE (1) channel on youtube. SO WHY THE **** ARE THEY ON MY FEED???? Did they remake or something?

Edit: apparently all i “hid” him but not from my feed. Oh youtube and your dumpsterfire algorithm.
I really, really don’t like not being replied to…it takes a few seconds to reply, even if the reply isn’t what someone wants to hear. It’s rude and also, not great for us over-thinkers over here…how do these people who don’t reply feel when it happens to them? I don’t rant much, but dang man…
why is my english teacher always targeting me, I SWEAR TO GOD. ITS ALL THE TIME.
I really, really don’t like not being replied to…it takes a few seconds to reply, even if the reply isn’t what someone wants to hear. It’s rude and also, not great for us over-thinkers over here…how do these people who don’t reply feel when it happens to them? I don’t rant much, but dang man…
As someone who is very guilty of forgetting to reply to people: I also tend to forget that I sent someone a message in the first place so I tend not to notice or dwell on the fact they didn't reply.
As someone who is very guilty of forgetting to reply to people: I also tend to forget that I sent someone a message in the first place so I tend not to notice or dwell on the fact they didn't reply.
I appreciate this, and I do admit, as a busy mom, I often forget to reply too, or reply in my head but not for days in actuality. I always apologize profusely when that happens though, but it doesn’t undo the potential hurt it caused the other person if they’ve overthought it like I might. I am in all seriousness having a horribly hormonal day and it’s probably just affecting me more today than I would generally, as everything seems to have me on the verge of tears today 🥲. I usually do a good job of keeping my frame of mind through this time of month, but it’s beating me today. I will try not to let it get to me so much or take it so personally. Thank you for the support, it means a lot.
I really, really don’t like not being replied to…it takes a few seconds to reply, even if the reply isn’t what someone wants to hear. It’s rude and also, not great for us over-thinkers over here…how do these people who don’t reply feel when it happens to them? I don’t rant much, but dang man…

This bothers me too at times... some of my "friends" do this and it's honestly annoying. I'm not talking about someone that gets back to me within a week or something. I mean I've had friends literally ghost me for months upon months. I begin to question why I'm even friends with them when that happens...

On the other hand, I used to be friends with someone who expected a lengthy-*** reply to everything they said to me, which... was not ideal, lol. I am no longer friends with them.
i lost my cell phone yesterday in the snow and then this morning i slipped in the shower landed on my ass so now i have a big bruise starting. also Leos urn is ready to be picked up so my emotions are all over the place
I feel like a genuinely horrible person. apparently I can't learn from my mistakes and I keep hurting those I love most dearly. I'm really struggling to love myself right now. I wish I could just go to sleep and never wake up.

but how can I expect to love others if I can't love myself for all my flaws and mistakes? I don't know... I'm so tired. I feel like I need to talk to someone but truthfully I don't know what I need. I don't know what to do with myself. 😞
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I really, really don’t like not being replied to…it takes a few seconds to reply, even if the reply isn’t what someone wants to hear. It’s rude and also, not great for us over-thinkers over here…how do these people who don’t reply feel when it happens to them? I don’t rant much, but dang man…
I definitely get this, especially when it's a serious conversation or I'm giving the other person my full attention. obv not talking about anyone specific, but it happens sometimes and it's frustrating.
I really, really don’t like not being replied to…it takes a few seconds to reply, even if the reply isn’t what someone wants to hear. It’s rude and also, not great for us over-thinkers over here…how do these people who don’t reply feel when it happens to them? I don’t rant much, but dang man…
My favourite friend move is when you get left on "read" but they somehow find the time to update their social media profiles. 🙃
I’m looking at what bus I’ll need to take after work and I need to take two buses ;; and it’ll take me ~40 minutes to go home compared to the usual 15-20 minute drive

sure would’ve been nice if my dad had taught me how to drive when he taught my brothers! he would never take me when they went to practice :/ he never even bothered teaching my mom and sister when they would ask (at least she learned from her husband)
I have to do mandatory therapy sessions through my employer's assistance program because my mental health issues are starting to impact my job. so that's... that's fun. 🥲

sometimes I wish I wasn't me. I wish I wasn't this absolute broken down mess who can't function like a normal person. I'm constantly suffering and I try so hard to make things better for myself and I just can't. my efforts are never good enough it seems. no matter how hard I try I always mess up somewhere, and now my job and friendships are suffering because of it. I'm so absent-minded and scatterbrained right now, I can't do anything right and I constantly forget things and I can't pay attention at all. I feel like I'm oblivious to everything and everyone around me. I feel like my stupid brain is forcing me to be rude and uncaring and insensitive to others. I feel like I try so hard to be a good person, I try so hard to learn from my mistakes, I try so hard to be an effective and efficient worker... and I just can't right now. my best is not good enough.

trying so, so hard to love myself and be patient with myself right now, I just wish things would get better. 💔
My stress just doesn't end. I was finally back in my room which was supposed to be better than being stuck in the living room with no peace. Well now my parents started another fire outside that once again somehow gets into the house and bothers my senses... This is very unfair. I don't want to live here.
How many hours do I have to wait for the air to be normal this time....
I don't think I even relaxed at all today because I was having some embarrassing health problems earlier.