What's Bothering You?

I’m behind at work and feeling the pressure to hurry up and finish this current job.

It’s my own fault for falling behind but working from home is really not working for me. It’s near impossible for me to focus or feel ambitious about it. Sadly it’s looking like the “lockdown” here isn’t going to end for at least another month ugh.
I did something stupid in one of my gacha games. I have 93 fruit and i recently pulled another copy of this unit so I thought if i merged the unit to get rid of weakness, that it would cost me less fruit to change her asset since now she has no flaw. oof...
my best friend and I have an interesting relationship. To specify, we really just pick on each other to show our friendship. But, I feel he keeps going too far. I hate being sensitive like this, but he called me some really, really rude names because of an outfit I was wearing and I don’t want to make him mad by saying he hurt my feelings. Ugh, I just don’t know what to do.

update: I ending up going to the restroom and crying. I wish I could handle things better.
I feel like there's definitely a line between joking around and just actually being a dick. In high school I had a friendship like this, but over time I started to realize she was just genuinely ****ty (to everyone, not just me) and tried to pass it off as teasing. If it was bad enough to make you cry I'd try talking to him about it, it could be he doesn't even realize that he's crossing a line.
kinda sad about not living in Asia because of reasons and better places to visit than America. My friend gets to live in Japan, she is lucky.
hh i am nervous about my new job. i think all of the other new hires are starting this week? but i won't be able to start until the week after next and i'm worried that they think i'm not taking this as seriously as the others. i just have to wait like two weeks (this week + next) before i can reduce my hours at my current job to make time for the other one. aaaaaa
I had trouble sleeping last; drank too much caffeine 😅. I’m feeling a bit tired and maybe depressed too. Today’s counseling felt pointless. I like her very much and I like how she doesn’t press me to talk about some things if I don’t want, but still irks when she asks for specifics. I don’t feel like I’m getting anything out of counseling tbh.
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It's really frustrating that so many people in the US refuse to get vaccinated, refuse to wear a mask, refuse to social distance, etc. I haven't seen my mom in over a year now and I feel like an ******* for moving to australia to be with my husband because she gets so sad sometimes that she can't just come and see me. Even more frustrating is that my dad and other family members of mine refuse to get the vaccine and are Pro-Trump idiots.
If everyone just listened to science we wouldn't be in this mess. I might not get to see my mom for years at this rate and it sucks
been having frequent pains around my heart area for the last few days, dont really know if i want to call a doctor about it though... could be anything
Even more frustrating is that my dad and other family members of mine refuse to get the vaccine and are Pro-Trump idiots.
If everyone just listened to science we wouldn't be in this mess.
both of my parents are certified Pro-Trump idiots (tm), they believe that the vaccines are unsafe (cause 6 people were reported to get blood clots out of... what 160 million?) and they won't get vaccinated. like bruh y'all really are stupid asf aren't you 💀

I'm feeling really tired but I need to work in homework. at this point I'll prob just go to bed cause it's 9:30 lol, i give up.
my dad didn’t wash his hands after going to bathroom. i was out in the kitchen making food and could hear :(
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code vein is on sale until Monday and l might not have enough time to get it. Great price but why always during a bad timing
Mom showed me this retro/vintage hippie store and now I really wanna order from there :^^^^)
i dont know whats bothering me. i guess life is bothering me, i dont know what to feel like anymore
I wish I could erase some memories... It is awful to suddenly remember something from almost a decade ago and then be unable to sleep because it bothers me so much. I think I'll try to play a game and forget, but I doubt it's going to work.
Kinda upset I can’t join the TBTWC. I would, but I’m afraid I’ll not be able to play as much as I want to, and I don’t wanna be a burden to my team. Ah well, maybe next time.
Of course you can join the TBTWC! It's up to an individual to decide how much time they wish to contribute to the event. With teams of at least 50 people each an individual person only makes up ~2% of that team, and there are no penalties whatsoever for minimal participation. That's why we are going with the format for four teams: it is simply not possible for an individual to be responsible for bringing down or burdening their team.
I heard my mom and dad moving stuff around the house to get ready for my nieces and my sister/brother in law who are visiting tomorrow. And i could tell my dad was anxious and he yells at my mom “talk already” like he does with me when i struggle to put my thoughts into words or to put thoughts together on the spot. my mom doesn’t have asperger’s but still i hate him taking out his untreated anxiety on us. my mom just takes it :/ and she just tells me there is nothing we can do just as i tell her about him not closing the door or washing his hands