I’m bothered by so many things right now.
Work was terrible. I hated being there today, and wish I hadn’t picked up this person’s shift for them. I’m so sick of trying in life and just want to give up. Everyone always gives the same old “it’ll get better” crap, but it has been a year and a half since I graduated from university and nothing is getting better. In fact, everything is getting worse. I can’t get a good job that makes use of my degree, and every place I work at is low on employees because people keep quitting their jobs. It’s just an entire mess. Add onto all of this that I’ve been at home most of the time during this pandemic, my mom died from cancer, and I have Aspergers, and you have a recipe for disaster. I don’t even think I’m using my time wisely, and I don’t hangout with any friends in real life anymore, not even my best friend. My sleep schedule has been messed up for over a year, to the point where my life span could be shortened. I’m so sick of pretending I care about others when there’s been countless nights where I cried hysterically and no one was there to care about me or hug me. The only three good qualities about myself are that I’m kind, I’m good at martial arts, and I’m good at writing. But you can’t make a career out of being kind, so that’s worthless. I can’t make a career out of my martial arts either, and I haven’t wrote in a long time because I’ve lost all my passion for it, even though I’m good at it. I don’t know what to do about all of this. The world just keeps getting crappier and crappier by the day…