What's Bothering You?

Sorry to hear about your depression hitting you hard @Venti it might not be much consolation, but feel free to hit me up with a message if you need someone to listen.
I finally figured out one of the reasons why I was happier as a kid and why I’m doing better this year.

I was listening to an NPR Life Kit episode on living happily with autism. The guest expert mentioned that many people on the spectrum “mask” their behavior to be treated better by neurotypicals. This in turn makes them exhausted and depressed. As a kid I never masked. People treated me poorly for being different, but I didn’t care. I was simply being myself. Once I became a teenager I did everything to mask myself. People saw right through me and saw my masking as being fake. I ended up being treated even worse. At the start of the year I decided to just be myself and try not to care what others think. My mood has been much better as a result.

I’m so glad I finally know what this term is. It makes my feel validated in my experiences of struggling to fit in. The part that makes me sad is that many of us have to mask our behavior. Otherwise we’re called creepy or weird. I’m doing better at just being myself, but it does make me sad that so many people on the spectrum have to do this to be social.
Glad you're being yourself and doing what makes you happy. Life is too short to worry about and or try to adhere to some stranger's do's and don'ts list. Especially since there are so strangers out there in this big world that you're going to run into someone or a lot that won't accept someone regardless of what they do.

Sorry to hear that! It shouldn't be as bad since you've said you all have had the vaccine. Just take the necessary precautions and you may be able to avoid catching it yourself.

Take care of yourself and be well. I know there are quite a few out there that have that same mindset, but I've known people who've died from the virus and still are suffering from it. Heck my uncle died from it just a few months ago. Just because it's not blasted on the media does not mean it's gone or not serious anymore. But you can't explain that to everyone. So just do your best to take care of yourself. Sometimes that's all you can do.
Kind of sucks when you push away everyone close to you in life, and keep doing it over time. I don't know how to live life or what I want out of it.
Sorry to hear about your depression hitting you hard @Venti it might not be much consolation, but feel free to hit me up with a message if you need someone to listen.

Glad you're being yourself and doing what makes you happy. Life is too short to worry about and or try to adhere to some stranger's do's and don'ts list. Especially since there are so strangers out there in this big world that you're going to run into someone or a lot that won't accept someone regardless of what they do.

Sorry to hear that! It shouldn't be as bad since you've said you all have had the vaccine. Just take the necessary precautions and you may be able to avoid catching it yourself.

Take care of yourself and be well. I know there are quite a few out there that have that same mindset, but I've known people who've died from the virus and still are suffering from it. Heck my uncle died from it just a few months ago. Just because it's not blasted on the media does not mean it's gone or not serious anymore. But you can't explain that to everyone. So just do your best to take care of yourself. Sometimes that's all you can do.
Tysm! I’ll do my best, not sure if I can say the same about my dad sadly, but my mom and I have been taking this serious since the beginning. I’m sorry to hear that about your uncle.
i can't find my switch and i have the strongest urge to play animal crossing :(
My partner got me a small bag of takis earlier today, and I've eaten them already. My stomach is screaming in pain right now. I regret all my decisions.
I love when I pick out a specific item that I specifically wanted at the grocery store and then my idiot boyfriend eats it 😤😤😤 do not mess with this hangry lady
Trying to figure out what I'm gonna do when my "C" key on my keyboard actually breaks
I don't know how to fix a keyboard if it breaks and my parents don't ever have time for me to help me so I need to do everything myself
I don't remember pushing "C" so hard I don't know what's wrong with it
What am I suppose to do when I'm trying to type and when I need to type "C" do I replace it with "K" because it's close to "C"? Or do I need to say the letter I'm trying to type is the letter that begins with words like "ookie" (add a "C" and it spells cookie) but that looks really dumb
It's still like halfway pressed down or something and it doesn't press down easily like my other keys so now I can struggle 🥲
(and no I don't have another device to use TBT and the rest of the websites I like to use a lot, and no I'm too broke to afford another keyboard and it's the key on my laptop anyways)
I remember back when I had a computer and my keyboard broke, I had an on-screen keyboard where you had to click every key with your mouse. It was very tedious and annoying. I wouldn’t recommend this.
I'm a fricking idiot. So my brother showed me a way to use the Chromebook with no time limit, and I'm using that method right now to type this. But then I remembered that my dad knows everything about our internet, I don't know how else to say it but if he checks, he'll see that the Chromebook is being used at 1:30 in the morning because the internet on it is active. I should probably get off now.
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i messed up my sleeping due to the egg hunt & i'm extremely tired, i have to go to my flat just to wait on a parcel and all i want to do is sleeeeep
I am not ready for work. I would need a couple more days off, but my next holiday is planned in May. I just can’t focus today.

My colleagues just asked me about something related to organ donation. I hate talking about things like that.

I haven’t seen or talked to my friend in a week now. I am glad because that time helped me stop thinking about her too much. But I kind of miss her, too.
Had to cancel a meeting on short notice (2hrs) with my new supervisor. Thankfully she was kind about it but I feel like a disappointment. 🤦‍♂️
been having a rough morning and then i go outside and someone has slashed one of my tires! so it looks like i will be screaming and that’s how sue c’s it