What's Bothering You?

Sorry for posting here again so soon. Anxiety is just a little much right now. I’m still upset with my dad; I want to text my mom about it but ever since that one time my dad read all of my mom’s text messages, I don’t want to do that 😬.

I’m worried that I annoyed everyone here and elsewhere because how overexcited I got about the shaker charm and anxious. >.< I know anxiety can be annoying to see; my anxiety annoys me even though I can’t help it and don’t choose to be anxious (some of my former personal friends seemed to think I can control it and anxiety is a choice; just explaining because of this.).

Aside from this I’m good moodwise 🙂.

I’m working on my drawing for the magnificent memories. I’m a bit worried I’m going to mess up when I get to coloring it since there is no undo button in traditional art.

At least from my perspective, it wasn't annoying at all. It's normal to be excited about things like that. I think a lot of other people feel the same way. I highly doubt anyone else was annoyed by it either. I understand where you're coming from with your anxiety though, and it's completely valid. I'm glad you're doing okay otherwise though. You can always DM me if you want to talk more. 💜
At least from my perspective, it wasn't annoying at all. It's normal to be excited about things like that. I think a lot of other people feel the same way. I highly doubt anyone else was annoyed by it either. I understand where you're coming from with your anxiety though, and it's completely valid. I'm glad you're doing okay otherwise though. You can always DM me if you want to talk more. 💜

Thanks Riley! 💜 I really appreciate it! 🙂
just submitted a job application for a full time position in a different library system.

I really don't want to get my hopes up, but I've been wanting to move up to full time since the end of last year, and frankly, I'm getting tired of the way that the higher-ups at my current job have some kind of choke-hold on their employees, and seem to create policies that aren't shaped around employee's well-being. I've noticed this more and more as time goes on, and the higher-ups are the kind of people who are like "sorry, that's just the rules" or basically "you're not allowed to argue with us or we might fire you". I don't tolerate that kind of thing, I don't like feeling like a subordinate and being bossed around. I suppose the new job might not be much better, but I'm feeling a lot more confident now and I'd like to speak up about this kind of thing.

I've applied for three different full-time positions in my current library system, across three different branches, and all three (including my home branch) turned me down. the last two didn't even bother to give me an interview. the system is honestly rigged (seriously, I'm not just saying that to sound funny), I don't know why they bother posting the job opening to other branches when all they're gonna do is promote someone at their own branch. it's a waste my time and it's a tease, especially when they don't even give me a chance to do an interview. and with the limited budget (and thus subpar benefits for a government job) and strict policies and generally somewhat unwelcoming atmosphere that the higher-ups radiate, like, should I even bother continuing to look for a position in this system? no, I'm done.

the library I applied at has good benefits and tuition reimbursement, but like I said, I don't want to get my hopes up considering how many times I've been rejected so far. I'm gonna look and see if any other libraries around are hiring, and are offer tuition reimbursement as well (that's the golden ticket for me, since I want to get my MLIS). until then I'll just keep chugging away at my current job and hope for the best in terms of my future.
I am fed up of GPs/Pharmacists at my Doctor's Surgery keep poking their nose in and trying to go over my consultant. Another one has just rang me to say I should be having weekly bloods again. My consultant never told me to do this. He was quite happy to have my bloods every 2 months. Plus, the fact that I restarted the medication a month ago and that's them just asking me this?
It’s kind of stupid, but I was going to participate in that Lego event but after making my account I realized that you need a computer to actually build stuff…

I have Legos in my house, but I have no idea where they are. Of course this would happen the one time I have a really good idea for something like this during an event and it’s something that doesn’t involve drawing jksmfkalqlwk
hyperfixation is just truly no joke 😭 it's just frustrating because i always get fixated on something that also has little to no content/fandom so i can't even be fed by others' content either so i'm just stuck waiting for the next fic to be posted or the next artwork to be dropped! i'm so gghhhh >_<
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It’s kind of stupid, but I was going to participate in that Lego event but after making my account I realized that you need a computer to actually build stuff…

I have Legos in my house, but I have no idea where they are. Of course this would happen the one time I have a really good idea for something like this during an event and it’s something that doesn’t involve drawing jksmfkalqlwk
Oh... I didn't know that...I don't have a computer either...
Plenty of things are bothering me today, more mud coming from the neighbors' backyard to shovel (we are on a hill and each time it rains, there is a waterfall coming from his wall flooding our yard with a part of his soil.) There is enough sand to fill a truck, no kidding.

I still haven't figured out how to do puzzle 2

Now that I have a tablet and stylus to draw, I don't have ideas and not sure how to use the apps

People talking about the Olympics...
Have you asked your family where the pieces are at? Or do they not know either?
I don’t think they know either, or care.

My mom and dad don’t know about this site and I want it to stay that way for a lot of reasons. That being said, it makes some activities in events a lot harder because either it would be too hard to explain why I have to do it or I would have to do it when they’re asleep/at work, which is pretty annoying.
I think my dad is really losing it. He just rummaged through my sister’s fridge and she’s not here. What the heck is wrong with him? And I was sitting with my niece and he hovers right over my head to talk to her. So creepy. Like is that necessary?

I’m still feeling so stressed and overwhelmed with the fair; I was hoping I’d feel better once I got some sleep but having to go my sister’s, the car ride with my dad, just is making me feel even more stressed.

Thought about my best friend for a second in the car, and now I’m feeling miserable. I just want to go home.
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why do I keep forgetting everything.

and not just for my TBT Fair entries. even that's a problem at home.

my parents tell me, "put it in your mind." but that wouldn't help much. and I don't know how to set my reminders so I know what to do daily. but then they don't like that because they think that makes me more forgetful than I already am.
my mom and i are sick. 😪 my throat started hurting the other night before i went to bed, and i was hoping i just swallowed wrong or something and it'd feel better when i woke up, but Nope. it thankfully hasn't gotten worse, but it also hasn't gotten better. my mom has it worse with a sore throat And a cough. she was up all night coughing, and i didn't manage to fall asleep until 8am this morning 'cause i struggle to fall asleep whenever something feels uncomfy within my body. and then my stomach started hurting and woke me up less than 3 hours later. 🙃

this weather is also making me feel worse and i am just extremely miserable. i'm literally nauseous because of how hot i feel, my room is basically a sauna atm. i'm being so serious i need winter Now, this is such an awful season.