What's Bothering You?

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You've been posting about your friend in this thread for a very long time. Four years, I believe, if I'm not confusing multiple friends. Have you considered that this friendship just might not be good for your mental health anymore? It might be wiser to cut contact.
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My boss came in earlier than expected today, which meant no time to sit down it was quite irritating.

My arm/shoulder blade has been hurting recently tly if I'm using it at all to hold anything. Maybe sprained it ir something?
I really wish I had participated in this TBT Fair. There's just sooooo many things I want to do but I never do them because I'm either too tired/in pain or I'm too busy stressing over things. I really don't want to live my life like this.
I can’t stand how hot it is this summer where I live! We’ll have triple digits probably until October. It’s so difficult to get anything done around the house when the temp is so high. The air conditioning is trying all its might, but it stays 80 degrees or more upstairs through the night no matter what. 😣
It's difficult to put yourself out there with anxiety.

When each phone call and the idea of even going to an interview makes my heart beat out of my chest (to the point of palpations).

I'd rather try my best than not try at all. Yet I don't feel a sense of pride from it. I'm too stuck in a loop of chronic overthinking. I wish anxiety had an off-switch because I'm really struggling with it. Now that I did get an interview I'm counting each passing day in my head like a doomsday clock. I hate doing anything that feels unknown to me.

I'll see how I'm doing at the end of this year. I just have to keep pressing forward. Have to be uncomfortable sometimes for self growth. I admit it would probably help if I had a better sense of self identity.
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Our cat Todd has been sick 3 times today. He’s not been himself today and our anxiety skyrockets when he’s not feeling well because of his FIP history. He threw up a hairball on Monday but his vomit seems to just be liquid/digested food. 😔
I am still feeling lightheaded, for the whole day, which I have never experienced before. The more I walk, the more nauesous I feel. I've been drinking water andhaving lil naps, not moving much but I still really dont feel good; and my anxiety always freaks out when I fear it could be anything worse.

Normally, there would be times I would sometimes get light headed but it normally just went away after a few seconds. So then my mind worries, is there something wrong with my body, is it something connected to something worse.

My head just feels really out of it, and my arms feel not numb, but you know when you're ill and you can tell its not the same as before?

I just want this to go away.
Just saw one of my favorite artists get her work stolen again. -_- This is the secont time I’ve seen it slapped on something. Not even some redbubble theft sort of deal which is already bad but stuff sold by companies that are held to a higher standard and you know, are supposed to DESIGN EVERY aspect of the clothes.