Well today she did another thing. A different coworker was taking a dog from me to so I could dry another dog that was old. I'll just call her Ana.
Me: *blow dying a fluff dog
Ana: Hey I'm taking this dog cause *bather* has a dog for you to dry off, he's old
Me: Okay
Ana: *as she's taking the dog
Annoying coworker: *talking to Ana
She (referring to me) never brushes the dogs
At that point I used my 'stern voice' (not yelling but also tryin to be taken seriously) and tell her 'I
was brushing the dog, okay *name*?' And what does she do?
I wish I could have thought of something to say back to her in that moment. What is it about me that when I get mad serious that people find it so funny? Is it cause I'm short and younger? It's not funny that you're gettin on my nerves and I'm finally gettin a back bone to talk back to you. It's not humorous that the normally quite, polite person is starting to get snappy at you. It's not amusing when I roll my eyes at you when you tell me to brush a dog cause the TWO SECONDS you looked over, I wasn't brushing the dog in that exact moment.
And ofcourse if I ever did snap at her, actually yelling, people would think I'm the crazy one now, or they'll ask 'where is this comin from?' when it's been slowly and steadily building for months, or all the blame will go on me for not being civil or somethin. Times like these make me feel like such a hot head, even thou I'm the type to just shut up and take it and ignore it, until I can't or it gets me in trouble. I'm not a confrontational person, and I feel like even if I did confront her, she would just laugh it off or something, or not take me seriously. I'm not the type to go tell a higher up either, I would rather deal with it myself (which my default is just takin and ignoring it) until I can't, then I would go to a higher up but still feel 'bad' about it. Like I'm not being an adult who can solve their own problems throu civil discussion, and I have to go be an immature child who goes to tell an adult so everyone can 'play nice'.
I know there will be adults, much older and younger than me, who will get on my nerves and won't be mature in a discussion, and they will be be like that. But it's times like these that make me feel much younger than I actually am and less mature, and I don't like it.