Mushroom Season Is Here!

Event status
Well for me it's because I have more time in the evening/night, and have busy days since I'm in either in class or working on school work for said classes ksgkfgk. I'm often tired after my classes so I'd rather try to get them all before heading to bed than rush to post for spores for the last few hours before spores reset and potentially miss out on maximizing a whole lineup. I'm assuming others may have similar reasons (busy schedule, only free a certain time of day, etc.) 🤔
oh true
it's good that spores are easier to get than the other stuff like silver then!!
the site is laggy but it still provides
For me I feel like there’s a chance I may forget to do things before time is up even though I have ability to check in, but also sometimes you see Big Magic Number going up and your brain is like oh yeah we need more of that
Badger, how could you be poisonous?! I'm almost tempted to buy you again and keep you in my inventory until you become worthless. Seriously, wow! How many new mushrooms? Some of the staff said they didn't spend long designing the mushrooms as they were only temporary. If I could draw something half as good as that in 10 minutes, I would be a very happy bunny! The staff have went above and beyond for the 20th birthday!
This event is not one of my favorites, even for the year, but I still like this idea. It’s pretty cool that the staff come up with brand new ideas for every event.

After I managed to get to 90, I just realized that the spore cost increased. Had to aim for 110. It’s doable despite the technical issues. Just takes longer than intended.
Morning guys

Did we ever get an expansion on that random post about animal crossing world tour in the HQ? 😭
I'm extremely late because I was busy with other things (and generally wanted to avoid the lag), but looks like Paras Mushroom is safe! Yayyyyy!

(I know the sheet's already been updated, but it still brings me great joy to have won the RNG this time, even if it was only one shroom LOL)
I messed up my lurking spores (Purple spores) because of the long “day” previously; I didn’t spend a lot of time on the forum the previous night because it wasn’t worth getting a lot of mushrooms before they were identified as poisonous or not… and then I was eager before the turnover and was browsing through the forum just a little before! So now I’m on Purple spore/lurker cooldown :p I’m sad because lurking spores are the best spores hehe

So now I’m just racking my brain for things to contribute to various threads!
Hopefully this gets into a better groove for the next few days once we get back on schedule!
Good morning, time to try and find some more spores.

Badger, how could you be poisonous?! I'm almost tempted to buy you again and keep you in my inventory until you become worthless. Seriously, wow! How many new mushrooms? Some of the staff said they didn't spend long designing the mushrooms as they were only temporary. If I could draw something half as good as that in 10 minutes, I would be a very happy bunny! The staff have went above and beyond for the 20th birthday!
I know it’s to cute to be poisonous. Right I wish I could draw that well . It also takes me forever to draw anything and it stills doesn’t look anyway near as amazing as they can draw in 10 minutes.