Mushroom Season Is Here!

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This is great news! Maybe there is a chance we can keep some of these foraged mushrooms! 🤞
We are so back 🥳

I would like to formally apologise to all the buyers of the Wild Foraged Mickshroom, which is apparently not as edible as it looks? Please keep it away from pets and children thank you
Oh no I sent some to my stalking neighbor. I should probably take it back, but I am already in my pajamas.

Great teamwork staff! Stuff happens, but you kept at it and looked for a fix 🎉
I have bought a singular Toadette. I'm definitely not gonna be able to get the Inky Cap Plushroom before the event ends, but I'll surely try!
the world when tbt doesn't take 5 years to load anymore and I don't get a database error every 2 minutes

Delighted to wake up to a forum with normal load times! Hopefully I can gather all the spores I need before the rollover this evening— I just didn’t have the heart to keep clicking on threads and waiting 20 seconds.
Yay! Well done on fixing the lag, it was frustrating for us but must have been so stressful trying to troubleshoot the problem and get it sorted so quickly.
Hooray, no more lag!

I'm excited to find out the cost of the new collectibles
yay no more lag!! even though honestly I didn’t mind the lag too much, it was still way faster than the old dial up days lol
Is the lag better now that it’s been a few hours since the mushroom results were released?

It was brutal last when I was trying to navigate on the forum and kept getting errors on loading the page.

Here’s hoping I can get my remaining spores that I need before tonight’s change.
I must say, what a luxury to be able to browse the forum at this speed!
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