Pin the Tail on the Villager

The houses were in alphabetical order? No wonder I couldn't find it; Wilbur prevented me from finding it! I wonder who the heck got it right.
Oh my god T__T (Sorry to my sibling LOL)
I thought it was D10 ...
The alphabetical order was my first guess but then I confused Flurry house with Tipper and thought it was not that until I tried again.
My guess was D3 as it was the last remaining house I could identify through the thick clouds. Looking at it now, it's clearly wrong! 🫠
I put N 15 because through the clouds I thought it could *maybe* be the one.

I also spent a LOT of time looking for one house that would have it's chimney on thinking maybe that's what this puzzle was but of course I was wrong all around.
I think my guess was p12?
I would never of thought it was in alphabetical!! Thats such a cool way of looking at it!!

I did wanna say one thing, I dare not have said before we found out, but Graham's original house in New Leaf was completely different to the house he has now in NH. So, was hoping it wasn't a trick in that sense.

Good puzzle!!
Gah! I thought this was a simple "look" to find the answer but.. I SEE..
These puzzles are relying on tricks now .... 🫵 I'll put my thinking cap on now
You know, there was one house that had its interior lights on; I forgot where it was but that had me think outside the box for a moment...
I’m so happy I was able to figure out the alphabetical order thing!!!

I may have wasted hours carefully inspecting every house and messing with the brightness while zoomed in at 1000% trying to see what’s behind the clouds, but eventually I got there 🥲