• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

I hate being ill. I feel so useless.

Today's accomplishments:
- loaded and ran dishwasher
- 2 laundry loads
- took out trash
- showered
- cooked dinner
- axolotl egg maintenance

That wiped me. I've spent most of the day lounging on the couch wishing for the world to stop spinning.
You all talking about animals being gross. I feel like people can and often are even filthier. I work with this one guy that doesn't bathe and he smells like he rolls in rotten cabbage everyday before he comes in. He smells so bad that his stink lingers after he leaves a given space. He smells like unwashed butt, but all over. It makes me gag. I hate it.
I got that going on with an old lady coworker.
After almost choking on food last night, I haven't actually recovered. I kept feeling like there was something I needed to cough up but I wasn't able to do so. Because of my tonsillolith problem, I have gotten confused about where exactly this is but I can tell it's not related to that. It's probably going to make things worse, though! I wish I could just see a doctor (I've said this before but I don't have insurance) because trying to figure this out myself is confusing and scary. I don't have anyone who can help me... I tried but my mom described something completely different and then suggested medicine for something also completely different. She's pretty useless in these cases.

I have no idea what I am going to do if this isn't solved but I am pretty scared.
I already had to worry about my toe hurting. I'm struggling with walking because I am trying to not hurt it.
I'm trying to eat and everything just feels wrong and uncomfortable. Even drinking water doesn't feel right.
I also ended up not sleeping because I was scared.
...And now I started coughing.

I just don't understand how I end up with so many problems. It just keeps getting worse. At what point is it too much?
I'm trying to eat and everything just feels wrong and uncomfortable. Even drinking water doesn't feel right.
I also ended up not sleeping because I was scared.
...And now I started coughing.

I just don't understand how I end up with so many problems. It just keeps getting worse. At what point is it too much?
Sorry you're dealing with that :( it could be physical trauma or swelling from the incident with almost choking, hoping it goes away with time! Lozenges/cough drops may also help to soothe ur mouth & throat if you have any.
I don't even know how to describe the horrible discomfort I currently have. I think I have an ear/tonsil infection, but that's not the main problem. There's something else along with it that I just cannot figure out how to describe. This worries me because I won't be able to accurately tell my parents what is wrong this time and they already have a hard time understanding me, especially my mom who makes frustrating assumptions.
I was also only able to get 4 hours of sleep which probably means my body is telling me something is wrong
my brother gets angry a LOT and i always am careful so i can talk it out with him and calm him down whereas the rest of my family does not and i feel happy with that, being there for him and all.

now i get mad once and i instead of me screaming/getting violent like he does i choose to reasonably talk to him but instead of doing the same he a) gets mad at me and yells at me, uses sarcastic remarks b) because i am right he instead starts saying i hate him and he will delete a site account if i keep saying this (so i have to now take it back) c) blocks me.

i feel like i’m carrying the emotional burden for my family and it’s tiring me out. i just want to leave they’re driving me insane
I think I ought to be able to complete all of my entries in time before the end of the Fair...except, no matter how much I think about it, I can't come up with a scenario for the Besting Blunders writing prompt. I don't worry about being able to produce something once I have an idea to run with (though I can't promise it'll be any good lol) but my brain just cannot come up with a scenario to write about.
I think I ought to be able to complete all of my entries in time before the end of the Fair...except, no matter how much I think about it, I can't come up with a scenario for the Besting Blunders writing prompt. I don't worry about being able to produce something once I have an idea to run with (though I can't promise it'll be any good lol) but my brain just cannot come up with a scenario to write about.
If it helps, it doesn't need to be good unless you're aiming to place. If a story meets the word count and loosely meets the theme it'll be accepted.
One of our cats basically used a clean pile of laundry on the couch as a litter box. It's bad enough as is, but my parents were arguing the whole time while I was cleaning everything and doing laundry. I was scared that my step-mom would yell/snap at me every time I walked past her because she was angry and tends to take it out on me. Even after changing the litter, putting the clothes in the washer, and spraying every room with Febreeze, it doesn't feel clean and I'm starting to have trouble breathing.

My dad said that we might as well put our cats outside because my parents "don't want to maintain/spend money on a bunch of animals". Our cats are pretty annoying, but they're just animals and it's heartless to just get rid of them. We had our cats for almost 6 years and didn't have them for 1 year after our neighbor took them in and refused to give them back. Caramel and Wookie mean so much to me, and I don't want them to be gone.

Otherwise, I'm just having a pretty crap day. Ugh.
I talked to a friend that I haven’t talked to in a few months; it was really nice to chat to them today. I got myself a little depressed though. I used to talk to them a bit about my friend; I kinda triggered myself when trying to think of what to say including that I can’t think about what happened that made me upset and that it was not as much of the wait to hear from him this time. I’m grateful they were concerned and understood; I just wish I could’ve avoided him as a topic no matter how brief for now.

Still anxious about something that I’m waiting for in the mail. Hopefully I get it this week.

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