• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

The Bell Tree Fair 2020: Closing Ceremony

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I just want to give a massive THANK YOU to the staff for hosting such a wonderful event!!! Your hard work has definitely not gone unnoticed! This is the biggest and busiest fair I've ever joined, I love all the new events!!

And while our magazine didn't win, kikotoot and I were fawning over the lovely comments people left in the voting polls on our mag Umpteen, you guys absolutely rock!!! To the winners of the various events, they are WELL-DESERVED wins indeed!!! Congratulations!!

I had so much fun in this fair, from doing art to rooting for all the sheep (ily Étoile)! Sad it's over, but I'm glad to have snatched a prize pack to display in my room to remind me of this event :) thank you once again for letting us have a blast!! get some rest, staff!! ❤
First of all thank you for all the events. It made me draw/photoshop again, it made me pick up Splatoon2 and MK8 again, I learned how to waste too much time on nightmares (although I had guessed some correctly), it made me see I can't count things in a bottle (come on... I was 1000+ off 🤣) and a lot more.

2nd point:
Yaaaaay I won with my avatar/signature! So glad I still can get a shooting star and some extra tickets. So that + a lot of collectibles + the super prize pack. 😁 I guess I can say it was a good fair for me haha.
Congrats to all the winners, your talents paid off.

I had fun in this event, despite not being very active during it. (Am I ever?) Thanks again staff.

I had the most fun with the Switch Stars, but my competitive nature got the best of me. It was fun while it lasted I guess. Just know that if there is another Gaming Week, I'd like to be brought back, but for me to never talk on Discord when these sessions pop up so I can hide my boasting elsewhere while you guys have fun with it.
Congrats winners and fantastic job, participants! I loved seeing everyone’s entries. ^.^ I hope everyone had as much fun as I had.

Thanks staff for your hard work putting together this event together. I really appreciated it 🙂👍 I really loved the theme, the colors and the prizes and the events themselves were fun to participate in or observe and just look at the entries. Thanks for trying to balance out the type of events so everyone had at least one event they could participate in that they felt comfortable with. :) Personally, I would’ve loved more harv’s studio / dressing up or decorating contests, but I understand not everyone likes those.
Thanks staff for a wonderful event! Like many new members this was obviously my first fair and it was even better than I expected. It was so much fun and a nice break from my regular day-to-day mundanity. (I just really wish I had participated in more things! Ah well!)

Congratulations to all the winners! There are so many talented people on here. I’m in awe! 🥰🥰🥰
thanks so much @ staff!!!! every element of this fair was beautiful and so comforting in the chaos that is covid-land. really appreciated the theme in particular and how y'all went above and beyond to interpret it creatively (the dream sequences, the cozy photo challenges, the sheep elements, etc.) so much hard work and all of us appreciate it so much <3

also, because i'm seeing her flyyy off the shelves, is vesta going to be restocked potentially? 😅
It seems like I can't take the survey, it says "Error 502". I don't know what does that mean and I want to take the survey

Nvm, it worked
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thanks so much @ staff!!!! every element of this fair was beautiful and so comforting in the chaos that is covid-land. really appreciated the theme in particular and how y'all went above and beyond to interpret it creatively (the dream sequences, the cozy photo challenges, the sheep elements, etc.) so much hard work and all of us appreciate it so much <3

also, because i'm seeing her flyyy off the shelves, is vesta going to be restocked potentially? 😅
The Vesta collectible will be being restocked periodically over the two week window it is available for. :)
-snip- And apparently my "neighbourly guardian" dream sequence made the list too! :love:

I’m glad to be a part of your dream sequence in a way. (I was the one who suggested guardian as a noun). :) I love the drawing you came up with your prompt, awesome job!
I’m glad to be a part of your dream sequence in a way. (I was the one who suggested guardian as a noun). :) I love the drawing you came up with your prompt, awesome job!

Ah, nice one! I had "Neighborly duck" before the right words got rerolled, but I probably would not have been able to come up with something that worked as nicely as this one. I was a little scared of trying drawing a guardian at first but I am really happy with how it turned out! Thanks for the noun and the compliment! :D
Congrats to everyone! Although I didn't participate in EVERY event... It was still really fun and I enjoyed myself! Here's a big thank you to the Staff for even making this possible! :3
Congrats to all the winners! Thank you to all the TBT Staff for an amazing Fair! This was my first TBT Fair and it was so much fun! I hope everyone had a lot of fun.
This year's fair has been an absolute blast! My favorite contests would definitely have to be the ones that encouraged creativity! I'm very thankful for the chance to be able to share my art with the community as I don't post anywhere else. Thank you greatly for your support! The events have helped me develop my art further with learning new ways to color (Celeste's Observatory), experimenting with background art (Crazy Dream), and even learning how to animate a simple gif (Signature Style). I don't think I would've ever spent as much time as I had to develop my art if it hadn't been for this year's fair. Thank you for all of the inspiration and motivation you've given me! This year was my first time participating in a TBT fair and I'm already so eager for the next one!

Congratulations to all of the winners! It's been such an amazing experience looking through everyone's posts and just fawning over all of the unique ideas. Being able to go page by page and seeing the work people put out for the fair has been amazing! Everyone put so much effort into their entries and the winners are all well-deserved!

Lastly, I wanted to give the staff a huge thank you for all the efforts that went into running the whole fair. I don't think I could ever put into words how grateful the whole community is for all of the time and dedication they've put into these events. Thank you for giving everyone such an amazing distraction during this not so pleasant time. Thank you for all of the planning that went into the fair and for making sure everything ran smoothly. I hope that we've brought you joy just as much as you've brought us! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°
Just now getting home to see this. Thanks to all the staff for putting this all together. For the countless hours that allowed us all to have mini escapes. It’s been a fun time.

Congrats to all the winners and everyone who participated. The creativity was inspiring. 💫
First of all, congratulations to all the winners!! 😄

Second, I want to express my thanks to the staff. Thank you so very, very much you amazing people! Thank you for all your time, dedication, effort, commitment and love you poured into every event and contest. Thank you for the hard work it takes to keep this forum going for as long as it has (and may TBT continue moving forward along this starlit path for future generations). Thank you my fellow TBTers for all your posts, creativity, opinions, jokes, and then some!

This was my first Fair and I had so much fun! I'm happy to see everyone had fun, too :) the plushies/star fragments are some of the most stunning collectibles I've ever seen, kudos to the art team!
Congratulations to all the winners!! My gosh there have been so many amazing entries this year for all of the events and contests I'm so proud of everyone and all their hard work !! All of the winner's totally deserve it, good job all of you !!
And thank you so much staff for the fav for celeste's observatory !! I'm so excited to get the shooting star collectible and I'll probably cry about this for weeks! 😭 💕 💗

There were so many great events this year but a few I really liked were House of Nightmares and Celeste's Observatory which were some of my favourite events from the 2017 fair as well and it was such a joy to participate in them again! I also really liked Crazy Dream Sequence out of all of the new events this year, it was so fun to look through what crazy names everyone had and how everyone interpreted what they got ! And of course Magazine Mash-up was soo much fun to work on and I'm so happy my team and I even made it in the top 10! And i'm so thankful to anyone who voted for us!! 💕 Even thought we didn't place it was such an honour to even be part of the voting. ☺
All of the events this year have been absolutely amazing, big thanks to the staff for coming up with all of them and running all of them simultaneously, I can't even imagine how much work it has been !

So I just wanna say a huge thank you to the staff !!! you guys totally knocked this out of the park! This entire fair has been amazing, you guys really put your all into all of this and made it such an enjoyable experience for everyone !
(( Special shout out to @Vrisnem though who I swear never took a break ! Whenever I saw someone who needed help, or had a question or anything I always saw Vrisnem jump to their aid, on top of running a few of the events and also occasionally participating as well! I hope you get some well deserved rest !! 🐑 💫 ))

It's sad that its over, but thank you for all the opportunities and memories i've made 🥺
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